What is Emotional Self- Control?

Having emotional control takes practice; it’s a skill that you have to work to develop. It doesn’t just happen overnight.

Developing emotional control is an important part of human development, as well. In order to function as an adult in society, you have to have emotional intelligence and emotional control.

Through this article, we’ll explore the topic of emotional control; what it is, how to strengthen it, and why you should bother.

What is emotional control? The term “emotional control” is pretty self-explanatory; it refers to the skill that can be practiced, strengthened, and developed over time to help you keep yourself from making 2 decisions you might later regret in the heat of your emotions.

Having a strong sense of emotional control requires emotional intelligence, strength, perseverance, and self-awareness.

Emotional intelligence: Emotional intelligence refers to your awareness of the emotions you’re experiencing, the signs that indicate how you’re feeling, and how to handle them appropriately and healthfully. Your emotional intelligence will help you to identify the emotions and help you determine an appropriate response when you need to control your emotions.

Strength: To exhibit emotional control, you have to have both emotional and physical strength. You have to be able to have the emotional strength to calmly analyze the situation and what you’re feeling so you can determine the most appropriate reaction. You also have to have the strength to admit you’re wrong, if that’s what the situation calls for.

Perseverance: It’s often hard to confront those who have upset us, especially when they aren’t receptive to what we’re saying; it requires perseverance to ensure you handle the situation in a healthy manner for you wherein your emotions are under control and in check. It also takes perseverance to admit there is the potential of a problem within yourself. Self-Awareness: Self-awareness is a crucial part to your emotional control; the two most important parts are emotional intelligence and self-awareness, though the other two play key roles as well. It requires self-awareness to identify there’s a problem to begin with, identify the emotion, and resolve the problem within yourself. How can you strengthen your emotional control? There are a number of ways in which you can strengthen your ability to control your emotions; it’s mostly done with practice and training, like any skill.

The first way you can work to strengthen them is by making a diligent and noble effort to recognize your emotions and feelings. If you don’t know your triggers or your warning signs for certain emotions, you won’t be able to control them. You can regularly practice by taking a minute to slow down and analyze your emotions when you start to notice yourself getting worked up in anyway.

Pay attention to how long it takes for the emotions to escalate, what triggered them specifically, and what seems to help to calm you down. Another good way to practice strengthening your emotional control is clearly expressing your feelings to those around you when necessary.

Make it a regular practice to clearly and calmly explain what you’re feeling and why you’re feeling it in a way that won’t hurt anyone else but helps to resolve the issue in a healthy way. This will also help to keep you from just bottling up things that truly bother you. Emotional control is an important part of being a well-functioning adult in society. If you’re unsure if you have emotional self-control, you can ask yourself a few questions but to determine the true answer, you’ll have to be honest with yourself.

Do you often find yourself not expressing your emotions properly so that you have frequently feel overwhelmed? Are you frequently told to calm down or do they shut down to preserve your feelings? Do you tend to overreact to situations? If you answered yes to these questions, you may choose to work on your emotional control. To your success and wisdom for choosing healthy choices!

To learn more please visit: www.TransformationalLifeCoaching.com.au Email: melody@aboveallhealing.com.au

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