Are You Seeking Results for Cultivating Lasting Transformation?
Find Your Passion & Live Your Life on Your Purpose
When You Change Your Energy, You Change Your Life.
Transformational Life coaching can help you overcome obstacles and create immense personal and professional transformation with ease!
World-Class Coaching, Courses, & Consultations ~ Gold Coast, Queensland & Beyond!
To view all Transformational Life Coaching Programmes please visit –
Transformational Life Coaching packages help you to remove your limiting beliefs, negative emotions, and stuck energies and blocks, allowing you to create a life of ease, joy, and flow. Each package provides a highly relational and supportive framework for you to explore your beliefs, dreams, values, and behaviors whilst working towards achieving your desired outcomes. One-On-One Consultations are available with Melody.
What is the Transformational Life Coaching Method?

The transformational Life Coaching Method is a dynamic type of life coaching which is used worldwide to help individuals, families, couples, and organizations to support individuals and groups. Transformational Life Coaching empowers the client to take action daily in their life. It is through real actions, taught to you as Strategies, that a client creates the real and lasting change they desire. The Transformational Method believes that all people have the potential to overcome the negative patterns and beliefs which keep them from thriving and reaching their goals.
How is the Transformational Life Coaching Method Coaching different from other types of Life Coaching?
Melody has gone through intensive study and training in strategies to handle the whole range of human needs and life challenges. Most life coaching training focuses on one type of results such as goals, beliefs, or steps while helping address the wide range of human potential and obstacles. Melody is trained to identify every type of obstacle that may be holding a client back (such as their internal beliefs, their communication patterns, their relationship beliefs and practices, and their life stages) and prescribe practical strategies to create results in each of these areas, providing practical frameworks for the client to understand their options, and then offer them strategies and actions for bringing about the changes they want. Transformational Life Coaching encompasses goal setting, communication skill-building, relationship work, high performance, meaning/purpose discovery, and uses creative modalities to help clients put their dreams into action. The Client expands their ability to think creatively, see potential in every part of life, expand and deepen all their relationships, and overcome the fears which have limited their joy and progress.
Group Coaching is another option to learn more about Group Coaching, please
To learn about Being Mindful and Self Compassion – Please click here
To learn about: Embracing Creates Enlightenment please click here –
To learn about: Face Your Fears & Gain Control of Your Life – please click here –
To learn about: Internal Chaos Please click here –